
Brand Name Discovery Process

Brand Names have a greater impact than you think It is a sad truth, but we have lost the faculty of giving lovely names to things. Names are everything. Oscar Wilde It’s obvious that you need to name your startup. It’s less obvious that you might need to rename an established business. Regardless of what stage you’re at, Pencil designs , a web development company and one of the top branding agencies in Egypt, shares with you these steps that should help you find the perfect name and make you stand out from your competitors. Also, if you need professional assistance in discovering the most suitable name for your business, Pencil designs ’ team will help you choose the name that describes your identity the best effortlessly. STEP 1: Framing the Quest & Setting the Rules If you start to randomly wander about in search of names, chances are you’ll get nowhere fast. The key is to organize the hunt. You’ll need to set timelines, objectives, milestones, agendas, roadmaps, etc. to gu